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At Lockleaze Foxes we have moved away from traditional drills and focus our sessions mainly around small sided games in which players not only learn relevant netball skills, but also instinctively understand how to apply their new found skills. 

Children's play

Some research...

from Flinders University, Australia


Developing player game sense Shane Pill and

Terry Magias, Flinders University, SA


The traditional approach to skill learning involved breaking the skill down into its parts and then progressively reassembling the movement pattern beginning with highly simplified movements performed under controlled, or ‘closed’, training conditions. This skill and drill directive approach to sport skill learning separated the performance of the skill as technique from the game play. Game play generally occurred only after extensive practice. Game Sense is the decision making and motor competency to execute the decision for a successful outcome in

a game situation (Pill, 2007). In other


Technique + Game Context= Skill” (Den Duyn, 1997, p.6), where skill is defined as the performance

of a technique in a game to produce

a successful game outcome.


Some  literature...

Here are some resources we use.


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