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Lockleaze Netball Club


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Current operating guide regulating the actions of members of Lockleaze Foxes


  1. The Club shall be called Lockleaze Foxes Netball Club

  2. The Club will be affiliated to Avon League of the All England Netball Association Ltd. 

  3. Aims & Objectives 

To promote the personal development for all club members, participants, volunteers and officials of the Club in relation to netball and, where appropriate, provide routes to opportunities to enhance and increase individual skills. 

The aims and objectives of the club shall be to: 

·  Promote netball and the club within the local community 

·  To offer coaching and competitive opportunities in netball 

·  To manage training sessions 

·  To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club 

·  To provide all its services in a way that is fair to everyone 

·  To ensure that all present and future members receive fair and equal treatment. 

  1. Membership 

1.              4.1  The Club shall consist of the officers and the members. 

2.              4.2  Membership of the Club shall be open, and not unreasonably restricted on the grounds of sex, race or of political, religious or other opinions to any person in the area prepared to accept and support the objectives of the Club. No club member, participant, volunteer or official will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, marital status, social class, colour, race, ethnic origin, creed or disability, or will be disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be relevant to their participation in the Club. 

3.              4.3  In accepting membership, a person agrees to abide in the constitution of the Club and the rulings of the Club Executive Committee. 

4.              4.4  Members may resign from membership at any time by giving notice to the Club Secretary. Any outstanding fees and fees to the end of the month in which notice is given must be paid. 

  1. Membership Fees. 

0.              5.1  Membership fees shall be stipulated by the members at the General Meeting. The Club Executive Committee will decide if the club can afford to distinguish between members who are in full time employment, members who are unemployed or in full-time education and junior members. 

1.              5.2  Fees will be paid by monthly subscription. 

2.              5.3  The Club Executive Committee may decide upon other charges or subscriptions at its discretion. 

  1. Officers 

0.              6.1  The officers of the Club shall be: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Safeguarding Officer, and any other relevant position. 

1.              6.2  These officers shall hold for a period of 12 months, being elected annually at the Club AGM. All Officers shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-appointments. 



6.3 Any casual vacancy occurring may be filled by the Executive Committee. 

  1. Executive Committee 

    1. 7.1  The club will be managed through the Executive Committee consisting of: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Head Coach. These posts will have the right to vote at meetings of the Club Committee. 

    2. 7.2  Meeting of the Executive Committee shall be convened by the Secretary and the Committee shall meet as required.. 

    3. 7.3 Every decision at a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be determined by a majority vote of the members present and every voting member having one vote. In the event of an equality of votes the Chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote. 

    4. 7.4  The Executive Committee shall be responsible for considering any application for membership and shall decide if this application should be accepted. The decision shall be in accordance with a non-discriminatory policy. 

    5. 7.5  The Executive Committee may delegate some or all of its powers and making to a sub- committee. Any sub-committee must act only in accordance within the authority delegated to it by the Executive Committee. 

    6. 7.6  The Management Committee will be responsible for adopting new policy, codes of conduct and rules that affect the organisation of the club. 

  2. Finance 

    1. 8.1  All monies raised by or on behalf of the club shall be applied to further the objects of the Club and for no other purpose. 

    2. 8.2  All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the club. 

    3. 8.3  The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the club. 

    4. 8.4  The financial year of the club will end on 31st July annually. 

    5. 8.5  An audited statement of annual accounts will be independently reviewed and presented by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting. 

    6. 8.6  Any cheques drawn against club funds should hold the signatures of the Treasurer plus up to two other officers. 

  3. Annual General Meeting and other Meetings 

    1. 9.1  Notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be given by the Club Secretary. Not less than 28 clear days’ notice to be given to all members. 

    2. 9.2  The AGM will receive a report from officers of the Management Committee and a statement of the audited accounts. 

    3. 9.3  Nominations for officers of the Management Committee will be sent to the Secretary prior to the AGM. 

    4. 9.4  Elections of officers are to take place at the AGM. 

    5. 9.5  All members shall be entitled to vote at general meetings of the Club and shall have equal voting rights. 

    6. 9.6  The quorum for general meetings shall be 15% members present and eligible to vote. 


9.7 An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be called by an application in writing to the Secretary signed by not less than 15 members. The Executive Committee shall have the power to call an EGM by decision of a simple majority of its members. The EGM should be held within 21 days of receipt of a valid requisition. 

10. Voting Procedures 

10.1  Each member shall be entitled to one vote. 

10.2  A motion shall be carried by a single majority of those present and voting, except when the motion is a constitutional amendment which shall require a two thirds majority. 

10.3  The Chair shall have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote. 

11. Property and Staff 

11.1 Responsibility for all property owned by the Club and for the employment of any paid staff and volunteers rests with the Executive Committee. 

12. Discipline and Appeals 

  1. 12.1  The Executive Committee shall have the power to take disciplinary action against any member and shall have the authority to terminate the membership of any member guilty of conduct deemed to be a detriment to the Club. 

  2. 12.2  There shall be the right of appeal to the Executive Committee, against any decision made by an officer of the Club. 

  3. 12.3  The appeal shall normally be considered within 14 days of it being received by the Secretary. 

13. Dissolution Procedures 

  1. 13.1  A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at an AGM or EGM through a majority vote of the membership. 

  2. 13.2  In the event of dissolution, any assets of the club that remain will become the property of England Netball or some other club with similar objectives to those of the club. 

14. Review of the Constitution. 

  1. 14.1  The constitution shall be reviewed on a yearly basis. 

  2. 14.2  The constitution will only be changed through agreement at an AGM or EGM. Any alteration to the constitution shall require two-thirds majority of members present and voting. 

  3. 14.3  Additions to, or alterations of the constitution shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the AGM or EGM, or with a request for a special meeting of Club members. No resolution involving an amendment to the constitution may be proposed or amended from the floor of a meeting. 

  4. 14.4  In the event of a proposal for amending the constitution being submitted, the Secretary shall inform the membership of the proposed motion not less than 14 days before the AGM. 

  5. 14.5  In the event of any question or matter arising, which is not provided in the constitution, shall be dealt 



Lockleaze Foxes Netball Club hereby adopts and accepts this constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of members. 

SIGNED: ................................................................ DATE: ..30/09/2022     Name: Petra Finkenzeller,  Club Chair 

SIGNED: ................................................................ DATE: ........................... Name: Rosie Sewell, Club Secretary 

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