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Complaints and Feedback Policy
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  1. 1.1.  It is the policy of Lockleaze Foxes Netball Club to take seriously all complaints received from members of the public and service users. 

  2. 1.2.  All complaints will be reviewed and followed up by an investigation when required. Where the complainant does not wish to provide their contact details, the complaint will still be processed and an investigation will take place where enough evidence is available to substantiate the complaint. 

  3. 1.3.  Lockleaze Foxes Netball Club  is committed to providing a high standard and continually strives to meet member expectations. From time to time things can go wrong or are perceived by others to have gone wrong. 

When this happens we will: 

●  Treat the complaint and the complainant with respect and dignity and deal with them fairly and sympathetically 

●  Deal with the complaint swiftly, thoroughly, impartially and confidentially 

●  Adopt a positive approach by using the complaint as an opportunity to take 

actions to improve the service we provide 

●  Provide an effective response and ensure, where appropriate, the cause of 

the complaint is addressed 

  1. 1.4.  Any Club volunteer or member of staff at Lockleaze Foxes Netball Club may receive a comment or a compliment. Any comments or compliments should be forwarded on to the Relevant Club Officer. It is the responsibility of Relevant Club Officer to decide if a comment or compliment requires any further action. This may include a written response and informing the club volunteer or staff member who it concerns. 


  1. 2.1.  This policy is intended to contribute to the effective and efficient operation of lockleaze Foxes Netball Club  by providing a means of receiving comments and complaints from service users. 

  2. 2.2.  Comments and complaints include suggestions and compliments. 

  3. 2.3.  A compliment is a positive remark about a service or an individual. 

  4. 2.4.  A comment or feedback is a suggestion or observation regarding services provided or a gap in service. 

  5. 2.5.  A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about the actions, decisions or apparent failings in the service provided. 


    1. 3.1.  Provide a consistent approach when dealing with comments and complaints. 

    2. 3.2.  Provide a system whereby comments and complaints can be dealt with promptly, fairly, politely and with understanding in all aspects of the service provision. 

    3. 3.3.  Provide a confidential system that service users, volunteers and staff have confidence in. 

    4. 3.4.  Provide a standard, auditable and traceable process for the Club. 

    5. 3.5.  Encourage Club volunteers and staff to have a positive attitude towards comments, compliments and complaints received from service users or the public. 

    6. 3.6.  Provide a means of collecting comments or complaints about Lockleaze Foxes Netball Clubso that improvements can be made and where possible information regarding comments and complaints is published for Club members to see. 

    7. 3.7.  Each complaint or comment will be allocated a unique reference number and records maintained in accordance with data protection laws. 

    8. 3.8.  When representing the Club every act of Club volunteers and staff will reflect upon the Club good or bad. 

    9. 3.9.  Every Club volunteer or staff member should be prepared to receive comments or complaints regarding the level of service Lockleaze Foxes Netball Club is providing. The initial contact is important and will set the tone for how the service user feels they have been treated by the Club. 

    10. 3.10.  For more information on dealing with feedback, complaints or comments please see section 5 of this policy – dealing with complaints and comments. 


    1. 4.1.  The organisation deals with all users in a fair and equitable manner. A wide variety of methods for making a comment or a complaint are available to people.  

    2. 4.2.  By sending an email to the Club at 

    3. 4.3.  By asking a Club volunteer or member of staff to write your complaint down and forward it to the Petra Finkenzeller. 

    4. 4.5.  By using the complaints and feedback form which is attached to this policy or available on the Club website. 

    5. 4.6.  It is important for Lockleaze Foxes volunteers and staff to recognise the variety of contact methods available, as each person’s abilities and needs vary. 

  8. 4.7.  The person first contacted by the service user with a comment or complaint is responsible for ensuring the matter is brought to the attention of the Petra Finkenzeller, who will then follow the procedure outlined in this policy. 

  9. 4.8.  Unacceptable actions/aggressive behaviour- whilst fully supporting the right to complain, we expect our Club volunteers and staff to be treated courteously at all times. Violent or abusive language or behaviour towards them is unacceptable. Where there is a threat or use of physical violence or verbal abuse towards our Club volunteers or staff, all direct contact with the complainant will cease and the behaviour may be reported to the police. 


  1. 5.1.  Any Club volunteer or member of staff may receive a comment or a compliment. These should be forwarded on to Petra Finkenzeller to be filed appropriately. 

  2. 5.2.  It is the responsibility of Petra Finkenzeller to decide if a comment requires any further action. This may include a written response and informing the volunteer or staff member who it concerns. 


  1. 5.3.  Stage 1 - Informal Resolution 

Most comments and complaints can be dealt with and resolved quickly at the initial point of contact informally. The main principle is to seek early resolution, resolving complaints at the earliest opportunity and as close to the point of service delivery as possible. Any Club volunteer or member of staff can deal with a complaint at this stage. 

  1. 5.4.  Stage 2 - Complaint Investigated by Club Committee Member 

Where it has not been possible to achieve resolution under stage 1 or the complaint is more complex and requires detailed investigation, the complaint will be handled under stage 2 of the process. A stage 2 investigation aims to establish all the facts relevant to the points made in the complaint and to give the complainant a full, objective proportionate response. 

  1. 5.5.  Where a complaint is made under stage 2, a complaint form should be completed and sent to the Petra Finkenzeller by post or email. A complaint form is attached in appendix A. 

  2. 5.6.  A Club Committee Member will be nominated to deal with the complaint and investigation. 

  3. 5.7.  The following timescales apply under stage 2 of the complaint procedure: 

    • ●  A formal acknowledgement of the complaint will be sent within 7 days. 

    • ●  A full reply will be provided after an investigation within 21 days. 

● If a full response cannot be provided within the time set out above due to a more complex investigation, an update will be provided with an expected completion date. 

  1. 5.8.  If the complainant is dissatisfied with the response given under stage 2, they can request a review of the complaint and investigation by a senior member of TJ Saracens Committee. 

  2. 5.9.  Stage 3- Complaint and investigation reviewed by a senior member of the Club Committee. 

Where the complainant remains dissatisfied with the response provided under stage 2 of the complaints procedure, they can request a review of the complaint and investigation. Stage 3 of the complaints procedure involves a senior member of the Club Committee conducting a review of the stage 2 investigation and the response provided. 

  1. 5.10.  The following timescales apply under stage 3 of the complaints procedure: 

●  A formal acknowledgement of the review under stage 3 will be sent within 7 days. 

●  A response will be provided after the review has been completed within 21 days. 

●  If a full response cannot be provided within the time set out above due to a more complex review, an update will be provided with an expected completion date of the review under stage 3. 

  1. 5.11.  Where a complainant has exhausted the complaints procedure and continues to dispute the outcome of their complaint, they will be advised that no further discussion will take place on this issue, unless they can provide new information relating to the complaint. 


  1. 6.1.  The policy is designed to allow the use of feedback from Lockleaze Foxes users with the aim of improving the service we deliver. 

  2. 6.2.  Petra Finkenzeller will review the information gathered from feedback received and complaints and will consider whether the Club’s services could be improved. 

  3. 6.3.  This policy note will be reviewed within a specified period as deemed appropriate by the Club Committee, but as a minimum will be reviewed at least every 2 years or when external influences occur such as changes in legislation. 

  4. 6.4.  Specific audits may be undertaken of any part of the process, at the discretion of the Club Committee. 

Please follow the link at the bottom of this page if you wish to submit feedback or a complaint.

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